Movement Towards the Higher Dimensions

Eternal Cosmos

We have always spoken in the tone and voice of the ancient High Priest. In doing so, we embrace the code of the original scrolls of the Bible, which can be very difficult to understand. Sometimes I [EC], forgetting that you as human beings are not always able to grasp the code, do not bring forth what is shared in the language that you can understand. But the knowledge and wisdom are always brought to you in ways that make you think. Don’t simply accept and then neglect.

Every human being, in any dimension, is both positive and negative because that is the way light is formed—both in the science of physics and in human beings. Many times, however, if there are shorts in the “wiring,” it becomes a pattern which could be misused, bringing darkness instead of light.

The Fellowship’s Three Selves teaching pattern has great value for those that are part of the ancient memories in the Subconscious. But many of those who are spiritual neophytes or those who come into this Fellowship out of curiosity do not understand these concepts and could very definitely be disturbed physically, mentally, and emotionally—just as has happened in various psychic experiments which you may know about.

Yet no one seems to see this, except some of you like my Channel [Bella] who, speaking through me, knows I could very easily become a challenge to those who bring many people into their cause and custody without rightful action and adequate knowledge, when it is that which opens the vaults of time; sometimes that which comes out of the vaults should not be brought out into the open.

Q: Do you mean by not going into the higher dimension fully prepared, they could go into limbo?

EC: Unless they are part of that which is rightful for a person to go into the higher dimension from the human world, they would not fully return. If they did return, they would be empty and they would go mad. There is a very great danger that no one sees which we are telling you, and we know what has happened before.

Q: Are you also saying, EC, that going to a higher dimension could be considered an escape to somewhere else?

EC: Absolutely! For those people who want to leave the planet when it is in trouble, isn’t that an attempt to escape?
Comment: Yes, they do not want to be part of the crucifixion of the planet!

EC: They will not be part of the crucifixion because they will be lifted up, as has been said, and they will be placed into some form of an outer space area where they will stay forever.

Q: Could that be a kind of Hell instead of Heaven?

EC: Well, that is what you could call it, but wherever they are is the result of what they have done to themselves by their choices.

Q: Are you counseling me not to proceed with the breathing and the exercises that I have received to prepare me to go to the higher dimensions?

EC: No, I am not saying don’t go into the higher dimensions. I am saying you have a very great ability to be involved in the higher dimensions, but that you would not return fully. You are readying yourself for it, but moving into higher dimensions is not truly the way to escape.

If you want to experiment, we are saying that you have a perfect right to do so, and we are not going to tell you not to. However, there are others who truly could be very badly harmed when they are not able to return fully. You could go into the higher dimension without too much harm physically, mentally, or emotionally because you are not totally of this dimension. However in doing so, you would find it so desirable in the other dimension that you would not want to come back. Your body would come back like those in the Philadelphia Experiment, and other experiments, but it would move back and forth between dimensions, constantly disappearing in front of your family’s eyes. You would find it very difficult to remain grounded. That is something no one has thought about, isn’t it? You would not die, but you would not bring all your bodies—physical, mental, emotional—back, no matter what you think.

Q: Could I bring back the memories from the higher dimensions to be able to teach people in this dimension what it is like?

EC: You would not find it necessary to do so. You would find that it is not rightful for most people to be involved with the higher dimensions. For that, they should be in a monastery or a convent—an area of hermitage—when they decide to be involved with the higher dimensions, not part of the world around them. For you, we would suggest that you see how far you can go without losing yourself. You might find it very interesting.

Q: Would my Spirit Guides be able to protect me?

EC: They will give you protection, but they will also be intrigued with the other dimensions. It is up to you what you do. We are simply thankful to you for bringing this forward so we can discuss it with you and others, for there are many who want to be in that position. You will find that there will be more and more people anxious to escape planet Earth. If you are here for karmic reasons, then there is no escape. You may move into another dimension, but that does not mean that you will escape Earth.

Q: Are you saying that without protection at this end, when you go into the higher dimensions, you are not protected?

EC: The higher dimensions have their own protection and, when you are human, your protection does not include their protection. Your Teachers and Guides come to you to be part of this dimension, not others.

Q: What would feed on those unprotected beings in the higher dimensions?

EC: This is something that is a very serious subject to talk about. It would be like a vulture who feeds on carrion, on something that no longer has life and would take from those beings whatever it could use in the other dimensions.

Q: Did the Fellowship members come from Atlantis and were the Fellowship teachings part of that period?

EC: Quite true. Absolutely! But the point is that the Fellowship teaching does not take you out of the body, but puts you back into the body.

Comment: EC, you told me so many times that when one gets involved with these altered states one has to be very careful because it can be very dangerous.

EC: Quite right. Another great teacher, too, who was part of the Fellowship’s knowledge, went into an altered state and never came back. What is so important to know when you are experimenting with other dimensions is that you must not remain in another dimension when you are part of the human world. This world which you may wish to escape from will change radically, but the change may not be as drastic as everyone is prophesying.

Q: In fact, is it more dangerous to do this experimenting now, especially the way the world conditions are?

EC: No, that is not true for those who have permission to do so. There are so many variations here that we can only touch upon them.

Channel: Bella Karish, D.D.
Los Angeles, California